25 pts
Art 141 Art for Elementary Teachers
Instructor Kelly Parker
Portfolio - Your finished portfolio will be used for the storage of your flat art projects and will be part of your final grade. You will store all projects completed in class in your portfolio.
Grade Levels Elementary through Junior High
Time Required - One class period (45 - 60 minutes)
Many bugs in nature are very colorful and have interesting shapes. This lesson will let students explore shape and primary colors by creating original and whimsical insect creatures.
Students will tear colored paper into shapes appropriate to imaginary insects. Shapes will be arranged and glued to a background sheet.
Lesson Objectives -
After completing this lesson, students would be able to:
1. Discuss and demonstrate the uses of shape and primary color in the creation of an original visual image.
2.Organize shapes and colors in an original visual image.
Vocabulary – primary colors, neutral colors
Materials – 2 sheets of poster board for each student, construction paper in primary colors, glue, yarn, and hole punch
Examples – teacher examples or previous student examples
History/technique – discuss primary colors – red, blue, yellow, neutral colors – white, black, gray
Procedure -
Begin the lesson with a brief class discussion of bugs and primary colors. Ask students to name the various parts of a "typical" bug (examples: legs, head, eyes, pinchers, claws, feelers, fuzz, etc.). List them all on the chalkboard under the heading "bug parts."
Write the primary colors on the board.
Ask students about the shapes and colors they have seen on bugs (examples: round, oval, fat, skinny, red, green, black, etc.)
List them on the board under the headings "shapes" and "colors."
Distribute poster board. Direct students to develop their own insect creatures by tearing (no cutting allowed) the various parts of their bugs from colored construction paper and glue them to the black paper.
Ask students to arrange all the parts before gluing in case something will need to be repositioned. The lists on the board are to be used as references for students as they proceed. The students can use all or some of the items listed.
Direct students to:
Make their bugs large enough to fit on the poster board.
Make their bugs colorful.
Use as many primary colors as necessary to complete their bugs
Give their bugs a personality. Their bugs can be happy, funny, modest, clever or any have other personality traits.
Extensions – lead into secondary colors, other collage lessons, science lessons on bugs
Assessment - The teacher reviews each student's work to verify that each project meets the minimum lesson requirements.
All shapes are torn.
Each image fills the space.
Each image utilizes primary colors in an interesting way. The personality of each bug is emphasized through color and shape.
Check craftsmanship, quality of gluing. The teacher may also wish to assess each student's level of participation during class discussion.
Closure – clean up, remind students of primary colors, talk about next project
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