Art 141 Art for Elementary Teachers
Instructor Kelly Parker
50 pts
Lesson Plan Time -
Set up/Clean up 5 minutes
Lesson 15 – 20 minutes
Evaluation and critique 5 minutes
Lesson Plan -
Develop a visual art lesson that stresses individual creativity vs craft projects.
Introduce specific art terms and concepts and have clear outcomes for the students.
Use audio and visual aids to grab your audience and keep their attention.
This will be a demonstration only of your skills in front of the class. You will have approximately 15 – 20 minutes to get your point across to the class.
Your class will not be completely a whole project; this demonstration is to see how you relate to your class. Your class will consist of your peers.
Most of the points for this lesson will be awarded on how well you put together a relatable visual package.
Lesson plan package should include –
1. 10 pts - Lesson Plan based on the lesson plan components hand out
2. 5 pts - Art sample/example of final results to be used for your demonstration and turned in after the presentation.
3. 3 pts – Lesson goals stated, art terms used, and age-appropriate and challenging for the grade level.
3. 2 pts - Two sources minimum beyond your text. Include page numbers on the bibliography along with any websites you use.
4. 5 pts – 2 copies of lesson plan for the instructor (one on the above due date, one on the day you teach to the class).
5. 5 pts - Multicultural, art history, or cross-discipline connections should be evident in the plan.
6. 10 pts - The lesson plan should have relevant music, books, posters, and other resources when presented. (At least 2 of these should be utilized) PLEASE make note of these in your lesson plan.
7. 5 pts - When teaching your lesson - stand up, talk loudly, and interact with your students. Use downtime to question, add information, and re-demonstrate a technique to your students.
8. 5 pts - Overall organization of the lesson – time used effectively, evaluation of the finished project, follow-up activity, and sense of closure.
Tips on giving lessons –
1. Arrange audio and visual aids ahead of time and make sure you know how to use them. See the instructor if you need suggestions.
2. Practice ahead of time to see if you need to adjust your lesson for time. Always have a plan B and plan C. What happens if you have more time to fill? What happens if you need more time?
3. Remember you are NOT teaching to peers, you are teaching to elementary students!!
Miscellaneous tips –
You will receive 5 points for filling out the evaluation completely with insightful comments.
Attendance will be worth 10 points during peer demonstrations.
Students need to be respectful of peer teachers – look, listen, and learn.
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